Montgomery County Y News
Mystery Drop Winners!
by Kristi Potts on 10/22/20
Aquablast and Pool Changes
by Kristi Potts on 08/30/20
Assisted Living, Medicare Coverage - Where to start??
by Kristi Potts on 08/07/20Medicare Part A, B, C, D.... What does it all mean? As you get closer to retirement it can feel overwhelming trying to understand it all. Thankfully this resource is a good place to start!
Shallow Side of Pool Now OPEN!
by Kristi Potts on 06/25/20
Montgomery County Family YMCA
Swimming Pool Guidelines
Operational Level 3
Pool hours 5:30 – 7 a.m., 9 a.m. – noon and 4-7 p.m.
Reservations can be made in 30-minute or 1-hour increments by calling a day in advance. These
reservations, as with use of other Y amenities, is not required but encouraged.
Following are guidelines for pool use:
• 4 lap lanes and the shallow side of the pool are open.
• One person per lane in deep end. Shallow side of pool will have maximum attendance of 10.
• Equipment will be on the deck for use and will be cleaned after each use. No toys available.
• Swimmers can make reservations for 30-60 minutes.
• Only the private locker rooms will be open for changing only, no showers.
• Clothing requirement rules will be relaxed to allow pool patrons to wrap towel around body to leave
• Evening water exercise class will resume from 6:00 – 6:45 pm on Tuesday & Thursday. Class size will be
limited to 10 for social distancing. Reservations for class will be recommended. One lap lane will remain
open during class. *
• Benches will be available on the pool deck to wait for locker room availability.
• Whirlpool is closed until further notice.
• No congregating of members within a six-foot radius.
Play Ball! Softball, That Is!
by Kristi Potts on 06/05/20
The YMCA is offering softball for girls in grades 1st - 7th. The season will run from approximately mid–June through end of July. Practices will be held at least once a week (usually in late afternoon hours) and on weekends. There will be no out of town games or games against other out of town teams. Players would need to have their own glove, cleats, hats, and other related equipment. There will be no sharing of equipment.
If your child was previously signed up prior to suspension in mid-March, there is no need to sign up again. If you signed up previously, but now do not want your child to participate you can call the YMCA and ask for a refund of your fee.
Parents will need
to sign a specific COVID-19 consent and waiver of liability form for their
child's participation. A required parents meeting (via Zoom) will be held prior
to the start of the season.
At this time volunteer coaches are still needed for some grade levels. Volunteers must pass a background check and a Child Abuse Prevention course as well as sign a COVID-19 liability waiver. If you are interested in coaching please contact the YMCA.
more information on how one can become a member, volunteer, donor, or simply
involved with the Montgomery County Family YMCA, please stop in for a visit or
tour of the YMCA, call 712-623-2161, visit us on Facebook, or the Y’s website