2015 Iowa YMCA State Alliance Delegation
by Kristi Potts on 03/30/15
RE: Montgomery County Family YMCA Executive Director Nick Zimmer-a member of the 2015 Iowa YMCA State Alliance Delegation in Washington, DC on February 23rd – 25th, 2015
Photo # 1 top left: Leighann Sibal (Y USA Resource Director for the state of Iowa, Des Moines, IA), Todd Lancaster (Executive Director of the LeMars Family YMCA, LeMars, IA), United States Senator Charles Grassley, New Hartford, IA), Jim Langel (Executive Director of the Blackhawk County Family YMCA, Waterloo, IA) & Nick Zimmer (Executive Director , Montgomery County Family YMCA, Red Oak, Iowa).
Photo # 2 top center: Jim Langel (Executive Director of the Blackhawk County Family YMCA, Waterloo, IA), United States Senator Joni Ernst – Red Oak, Iowa). Todd Lancaster (Executive Director of the LeMars Family YMCA, LeMars, IA) & Nick Zimmer(Executive Director of the Montgomery County Family YMCA, Red Oak, IA).
Photo # 3 top right: Leighann Sibal (Y USA Resource Director for the state of Iowa, Des Moines, IA), behind Sibal is Todd Lancaster (Executive Director of the LeMars Family YMCA, LeMars, IA), United States Congressman David Young, Van Meter,IA), Jim Langel (Executive Director of the Blackhawk County Family YMCA, Waterloo, IA) & Nick Zimmer (Executive Director, Montgomery County Family YMCA, Red Oak, IA).
Montgomery County Family YMCA Executive Director Nick Zimmer was a member of this year’s 2015 Iowa YMCA State Alliance Delegation in Washington, DC February 23rd - 25th, 2015. Accompanying Zimmer from Iowa were Todd Lancaster of the LeMars Family YMCA in LeMars, Iowa, Jim Langel, the CEO of the Blackhawk County Family YMCA in Waterloo, Iowa, and Leighann Sibal with YMCA of the USA who is the Iowa YMCA’s Resource Director from Des Moines, Iowa. The delegation represented the Iowa YMCA Public Policy Committee.
conference drew over 300 attendees of YMCA staff, key volunteers, and many
youth and government leaders throughout the United States. The conference
keynote speech was given by Surgeon General Vice Admiral (VADM) Vivek H.
Murthy, MD, MBA.
conference was designed to:
- Raise community voices.
- Continue to educate all elected officials, local to federal, about the important work that the YMCA movement does in one’s community, state, and throughout the United States of America.
- Discuss federal funding initiatives.
- Learn more about the new Congress.
- Encourage networking.
- Allow time to visit Capitol Hill on Tuesday, February 24th and Wednesday, February 25th, 2015.
Iowa delegation was honored to meet with Congressman David Young, Senator Joni
Ernst, and Senator Charles Grassley and chief of state members for Congressman
Steve King, David Loeback, and Rod Blum. The three national priorities shared
with the Iowa Federal elected officials were:
1) To cosponsor the Child Protection Improvement Act
2) To cosponsor the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Act
3) To oppose charitable deduction limits and caps
Nick Zimmer was able to work with Senator Ernst’s office prior to arriving to Washington, DC to be approved for a tour of the White House on Wednesday, February 25th, 2015. Today one must work with their federal elected official to go through the process to secure if approved a tour of the White House. Zimmer appreciated the excellent work by Senator Ernst along with her staff in Des Moines and Washington, DC.
learn more about the Montgomery County Family YMCA (Red Oak, IA), one can stop
into the YMCA for a tour and receive more information on how to become a
member, volunteer, and/or donor to the YMCA to help support many great
initiatives that the Montgomery County Family YMCA, the Iowa YMCA State
Alliance, and the YMCA of the USA are a part of. The Montgomery County Family YMCA located at
the beautiful Red Oak Legion Park, 101 East Cherry Street, Red Oak, Iowa, you
can contact us at 712-623-2161, visit us on
Facebook, or the Y’s website at www.mcymca.com for more information.