Area Leadership Breakfast
by Kristi Potts on 09/18/15
Friday, September 18th,
On the morning of Wednesday, September 9th the Montgomery County Family YMCA held a successful community/county/area leader’s breakfast at the YMCA’s multi-purpose room with over 65 leaders attending this important program.
It was shared at the breakfast the process of determining the YMCA’s focus and the importance of the desired community/area impact the YMCA will have over the next several years. This process will require assistance from the community/area as a whole to help the YMCA to expand its role as a leading cause-driven organization in our area.

The insights gained at the community leader’s breakfast were very important to this process. The YMCA plans to follow up with a written report from the input received at the breakfast plus the results from the nearly 300 Community Needs Assessment surveys completed during August. This report will be available later this fall or early winter.