Boys Baseball to Return
by Kristi Potts on 06/05/20
The YMCA is offering baseball for boys in grades 1st - 2nd. The season will run from approximately mid–June through the end of July. Practices will be held at least once a week (usually in late afternoon hours) and on weekends. There will be no out-of-town games or games against other out of town teams. Players would need to have their own glove, cleats, hats, and other related equipment. There will be no sharing of equipment.
If your child was previously signed up prior to suspension in mid-March there is no need to sign up again. If you signed up previously, but now do not want your child to participate you can call the YMCA and ask for a refund of your fee.
Parents will need to sign a specific Covid-19 consent and waiver of liability form for their child's participation. A required parents meeting (via Zoom) will be held prior to the start of the season.
more information on how one can become a member, volunteer, donor, or simply
involved with the Montgomery County Family YMCA, please stop in for a visit or
tour of the YMCA, call 712-623-2161, visit us on Facebook, or the Y’s website