Iowa Tax Sale Day : Montgomery County Y News
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Iowa Tax Sale Day

by Kristi Potts on 06/17/14

For Immediate News Release :

The Montgomery County Family YMCA was blessed to have eight volunteers and two staff members give part of their day to work the Union County (Creston, IA) and Fremont County (Sidney, IA) Iowa Tax Sale Program.

Through the efforts of the following individuals the YMCA was able to raise $600 in a morning to work these two county tax sales that take place throughout the state of Iowa on the third Monday in June annually.

The $600 raised on the 16th of June benefited the YMCA’s 2014 “The Y. So Much More” annual campaign.

This program annually honors the YMCA’s long lasting policy that “No is denied” at the YMCA due financial limitations as well as assisting programming expenses to operate many YMCA youth programs that simply need to be subsidize .

YMCA volunteers and staff that assisted with the 2014 Iowa Tax Sale were: ( in the picture left to right):

Al Nelson, Judy Podliska, Nick Zimmer, Diane Sifford, Rev. George Hooper, Chris Amos, John Blomstedt and Ellen Olson (all from Red Oak, IA). Bill & Mary Jane Gilbert of Malvern, IA also volunteered for the program but were not in the photo.

The YMCA’s 2014 annual campaign goal has been set at $56,000 and through the dedicated work of YMCA volunteers and staff the YMCA has raised $38,000. If you have not made your personal gift to the annual campaign program and no gift is too small one can do so by simply mailing or dropping off their gift to the
Montgomery County Family YMCA
101 East Cherry Street
Red Oak, Iowa 51566

The YMCA’s 2014 Four Person Best Ball Golf Tournament will be approaching this fall on Saturday, September 20th, 2014 to be held at the beautiful Red Oak Country Club . The tournament will start t 9 a.m. with a shot gun start. One can sign up a team of four players, become a hole sponsor and or donate flag/door prizes for the tournament’s outstanding prizes awarded out the winning golf teams and lucky golfers that participate in the fun filled enjoyable day of golf.

To learn more how one can become a YMCA Auxiliary Club member that helps volunteer at events like the Iowa Tax Sale, Soup Fest , the golf tournament , county fair bingo day and many other fun filled events simply contact Diane Sifford, YMCA Auxiliary Club Coordinator by reaching Diane at 712-623-1016.

To learn more about how one can become a donor to the YMCA for the annual campaign, capital / facility needs, endowment programming along with advertisement and sponsorship opportunities one can contact Nick Zimmer, YMCA Executive Director at the YMCA located at 101 East Cherry Street, Red Oak, Iowa , phone 712-623-2161 or email Nick @ the YMCA @

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