New Kayak Policy
by Kristi Potts on 12/13/17
Montgomery County Family YMCA Kayak policy
1. You must have a PINK SWIMMING BAND to use kayaks in the deep end.
2. Children with a GREEN SWIMMING BAND, AGE 10, & wearing a properly fitted lifejacket may use a kayak in the deep end.
3. 1 person per boat
4. Flipping and ramming kayaks purposely will not be permitted.
5. Kayaks MUST stay out of swimmers way.
6. 3 kayaks in the pool at a time.
7. Lap lane will remain open so kayaks must stay out of the lane.
8. Kayaks are first come, first serve so sharing of kayaks is an expectation.
9. Kayaks will be brought to the water and put away by those using them; NOT the lifeguards.
10. The lifeguard has the authority to ask that the kayaks not be used at anytime without prior notice.
11. Please be aware of paddles and where they are placed so they do not cause an accident or injury.
12. Kayaks may be used in the shallow water by younger children only with adult assistance and within arms reach.