New Safety Equipment
by Kristi Potts on 06/28/16
County Family YMCA Press Release (Red Oak, Iowa)
Tuesday, June 28th, 2016.
The Montgomery County Family YMCA will receive a $600 grant from the Redwoods Group Foundation for $1,000 worth of aquatic safety or facility improvements.
The YMCA received information in late May from the Redwoods Foundation that the YMCA’s mid March grant to the foundation was approved for $600 of facility and safety enhancement items.
The $600 will be used for a new plastic guard stand, three new rescue tubes for the lifeguards, a new updated first aid kit and a new updated American Red Cross Lifeguarding instructor manual and DVD for new updated material coming in July, 2016. Thus, the YMCA will have just some slight expenses to be able to have these items for our facility and safety enhancements of our patrons and staff.
The Redwoods Group is a commercial specialty insurance organization and has their own foundation to help make grant awards like this to requesting clients of which the Montgomery County Family YMCA is a client of The Redwoods Group. The Redwoods Group and Foundation offices are located in Morrisville, North Carolina. The Redwoods Group and Foundation is committed to safety.
The Montgomery County Family YMCA wishes to thank The Redwoods Group & Foundation for the wonderful grant program in place and their assistance to providing the best safety practices possible for our patrons, volunteers, and staff at the Montgomery County Family YMCA.
more information on how one can become a member, volunteer, donor, or simply
involved with the Montgomery County Family YMCA, please stop in for a visit or
tour of the YMCA, call 712-623-2161, visit us on Facebook, or the Y’s website