Pool Resurfacing this Summer
by Kristi Potts on 05/07/18
May 7, 2018
Dear YMCA member,
The Montgomery County Family YMCA will be undertaking its second major pool project of the year this summer. The YMCA will be replacing the interior surface of the YMCA pool during the time frame of July 16th through August 20th.
The normal life expectancy of a plaster surface pool is 12 – 15 years. Our pool has exceeded that average as it has been in operation for over 17½ years.
The YMCA has received grant money from the Montgomery County Community Foundation, a YMCA Facility Improvement Grant from the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, and a gift from the Ruth Nelson estate to complete this project. A stipulation of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs grant is that the project be completed by the end of the 2018 fiscal year.
We looked at different time frames to complete the project; however, our contractor’s schedule only has this time frame available to complete the project. Also, the cost for the project has gone up $10,000 since the last bid a year ago.
We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause our members and guests. However, members of the YMCA can take advantage of the Nationwide Membership benefit and visit the Mills County Family YMCA in Glenwood, the Southern Prairie YMCA in Creston or the Nishna Valley Family YMCA in Atlantic to name a few of the nearby YMCAs. However, the Nishna Valley Family YMCA is also undergoing a pool renovation project of its own during this time and is scheduled not to be open until August 6th.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions regarding the pool closure at either my email or phone number listed below.
John Blomstedt
Executive Director
101 E. Cherry St., Red Oak, IA 51566
(P) 712-623-2161 ext. 141 (F) 712-623-4920
(E) johnb@mcymca.com (W) www.mcymca.com
The Y: We're for youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.
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