YMCA Receives $2,000 grant from the E.F. & Sylvia Schildberg Foundation : Montgomery County Y News
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YMCA Receives $2,000 grant from the E.F. & Sylvia Schildberg Foundation

by Kristi Potts on 06/01/21

Montgomery County Family YMCA Executive Director John Blomstedt receiving award from Seth Wise, great grandson of the founders of the Schildberg Foundation.

The Montgomery County Family YMCA of Red Oak, Iowa recently received a $2,000 grant from the E.F. & Sylvia Schildberg Foundation from Greenfield, Iowa.

“The $2,000 was awarded to the YMCA to help with the replacement cost of a new water feature for the Y’s pool. The goal is to replace the current water feature during the annual clean week of August16th – 22nd.” Explained Executive Director John Blomstedt

The Schildberg Construction Company of Greenfield, Iowa was founded in 1937 by a great husband and wife team, E.F. and Sylvia Schildberg. They valued hard work, honesty, loyalty, and a desire to help others. The company prospered over the years and the list of employees and customers grew. E.F. and Sylvia always gave a great share of credit for their success to their employees and customers.

On September 30th, 1987, fifty years after the founding of the Schildberg Construction Company, the Schildberg Foundation was created by Sylvia Schildberg as an expression of appreciation to the people of this area. On June 9th, 2011, the name of the Schildberg Foundation was changed to E.F. and Sylvia Schildberg Foundation. The purpose of the Foundation is to give financial assistance to non-profit, charitable, educational, or other causes that better the human condition and encourage community betterment. It was the hope of E.F. and Sylvia that in helping others, the ultimate reward would be for that same dedication to be passed on to future generations.

With that in mind, those of us now involved with the E.F. and Sylvia Schildberg Foundation ask that each of you who might benefit in some way make your own pledge to “pass it on”. 

To learn more about the E. F. & Sylvia Schildberg Foundation one can contact the foundation office in Greenfield, Iowa at 641-743-2131.

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