Deep Cleaning to Commence Before Reopening
by Kristi Potts on 04/30/20
YMCA members,
I just want to remind everyone that the Montgomery County Family YMCA will not be reopening tomorrow, Friday, May 1. To be mindful of our members safety, Y staff will start the final deep cleaning of the facility next week after the completion of the gym floor refurbishment project. The final step of our cleaning process will be a fogging of the facility to ensure the safest environment for you on your return.
As mentioned in the communication sent out earlier this week, the Y will reopen to Members Only on Monday, May 11. Please know that there will be restrictions in place with the reopening. Details of the reopening procedures will be released next week. As always, any questions or concerns can be directed to me at either or by calling the Y at 712-623-2161. The Y staff looks forward to seeing you again.
John Blomstedt
Executive Director
101 E. Cherry St., Red Oak, IA 51566
(P) 712-623-2161 ext 141 (F) 712-623-4920
(E) (W)
The Y: We're for youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.