February Soup Fest : Montgomery County Y News
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February Soup Fest

by Kristi Potts on 02/10/15

Montgomery County Family YMCA Press Release (Red Oak, Iowa)
Tuesday, February 10th,  2015.

Homemade soup of more than one variety and salads were provided by the YMCA Auxiliary Club on Friday, February 6th as well as a birthday cake from Hy-Vee in honor of everyone with a February birthday. Over 50 people came to enjoy the music provided by band leader John Hewett and the Red Oak Middle School Jazz Band. This is the final soup fest of the year and of the entire program. It has had a wonderful program life and the YMCA in time hopes that we can find a similar program that can be outstanding fun and fellowship to many of our members.

The YMCA wishes to pay special tribute to our YMCA Auxiliary Club for their amazing leadership and coordination of this program and also to Red Oak Hy-Vee Food Store for their annual sponsorship to the program with a monthly birthday cake.

For more information on how one can become a volunteer member of the YMCA Auxiliary Club please call Nick Zimmer, YMCA Executive Director at 712-623-2161, stop in at the Montgomery County Family YMCA located at the beautiful Red Oak Legion Park, 101 East Cherry Street, Red Oak, Iowa, or email Nick at execdir@mcymca.com.

Red Oak Jazz Band members under the direction of John Hewett. Members are:

Brandon VanHoose, Brandon Higgins, Andrew Shipley, Nadine Torbett, Nathan Ernst, Aidan Eubank, Garrett Hurt, Alex Wingert, Daniel Points, Isaac Hidalgo, Madison Hewett, Connor Koppa, Casper Richardson, Araina Brummett, Vanessa Breedlove, Tyler Strunk, Ethan Horn

Left to right: Birthday picture: Sunny Chase, Nadine Sellers, Dorothy  Betsinger, holding the cake Carol Eggeling, Cavin Webster and Don Lindell all of Red Oak, Iowa.

The monthly birthday cake is sponsored by Red Oak Hy-Vee Food Store.

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