July 2015 Survey extended - We need 350 surveys completed!
by Kristi Potts on 08/07/15
July 2015 Survey extended need 350 surveys completed – have over 100! Now till Monday, August 17th, 2015
RE: Community Needs Assessment Survey
The Montgomery County Family YMCA, Montgomery County Memorial Hospital, Montgomery County Public Health, the Viking Center of Stanton, Red Oak Community School District, Stanton Community School District, Southwest Valley School District and various county businesses realize that strengthening our community is our common cause. We believe that lasting personal and social change can only come about when we all work together to invest in our kids, our health and our neighbors.
The above listed organizations are joining together to conduct a community needs assessment. Based on this community needs assessment, we will work to design and deliver new programs and services that address critical issues in the areas of youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. We will be making the community needs assessment survey available both in an on-line form and a hard copy form.
Responses are not individually tracked and are kept confidential. The assessment should take approximately 5 minutes to complete and the results will be compiled into a summary that will be shared with the community partners.
The survey was activated online on Monday, July 13 and will be available through Monday August 17th, 2015. Survey’s will be available in a hard copy form at the Montgomery County Family YMCA, Montgomery County Memorial Hospital and Montgomery County Public Health booths. There will also be available hard copy forms available at the Viking Center in Stanton.
The link to the survey is http://surveys.ymcaexchange.org/f/177380/1219/
If you would like more information on
the Community Needs Assessment Survey, please contact John Blomstedt at the Montgomery
County Family YMCA at either 712-623-2161 or progdir@mcymca.com.