YMCA Goals for 2016 : Montgomery County Y News
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YMCA Goals for 2016

by Kristi Potts on 03/05/16

February, 2016



Newly elected Montgomery County Family YMCA Board of Director’s President Mike Olson announced the YMCA’s 2016 goals.  The YMCA will continue to honor the mission of the YMCA: “to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body of all!” The YMCA will continue to honor the core values of honesty, faith, respect, responsibility, and caring and also honor the new YMCA efforts for social development, healthy living, and youth development.

YMCA Goals for 2016

Montgomery County Family YMCA President of the Board of Director’s, Mike Olson announced the YMCA 2016 goals and objective statements within the areas of: programs, volunteer/staff development, membership, financial/endowment development, and facility development.

TO HONOR THE MISSION OF THE YMCA – To put Christian principals into practice through programs that build healthy body, mind, and spirit for all.

TO HONOR THE CORE VALUES of the YMCA of caring, honesty, respect, faith, and responsibility that will build strong kids, strong families and strong communities.

THE NEW HONOR FOR THE YMCA’S efforts for Social Development, Healthy Living, and Youth Development.


1.  Listen to our members and potential members and fulfill their needs to the best of our abilities by being flexible to their needs.

2.  Increase the focus on retaining our members and to continually strive to convert the casual member into an invested member through volunteerism and contribution.

3.  Work with membership/marketing special events/religious emphasis committee to create some exciting promotions.

4.  Continually look to develop membership opportunities with local business within the community and area.

5.  The creation of the “Business of the Month” program. To simply spot light one of our local / area business to simply show the YMCA’s appreciation for the business.

6.  Continue the YMCA’s top notch efforts within our social media programming, website, Facebook, email newsletters along with working with our local/area/regional media outlets to share the great stories about the YMCA.



1.  Keep striving for the highest level of customer service to our members and guests. 

2.  Continue to train customer service reps and building supervisors to help grow in their position to best serve our members and guests.

3.  Hold monthly customer service reps/building supervisor meetings.


1.  Provide a clean health/wellness area which can be used by health seekers of all ages to reach their goals, which will help them to continually strive to better themselves.

2.  Look to develop or recruit programs that participants not only enjoy but also help them develop and maintain a fitter “self”.

3.  See that regular maintenance on equipment is completed to keep potential problems down to a minimum.



1. Continue to offer quality programs and work to develop new programs, both physical & non-physical, that address member’s needs.

2.  Evaluate programs as to whether they continue to serve the members’ best interests.

3.  Promote tennis programs to area residents and other regional tennis centers & recreational facilities.

4.  In January, 2016, the YMCA has started the integration of the RAPTOR software for use n background checks or staff, members and guests to continually provide a safe environment at the YMCA.



1.  Maintain a safe and clean work environment.

2.  Work to repair any problems in a timely manner.

3.  Continue to follow our current plan of Risk Management that was put in place to help protect our customers and ourselves.    

4.  Continue to secure new endowment long term funding for major maintenance reserve to be used for major equipment repairs and replacement.

5.  Keep repair and supply cost as low as possible.

6.  The YMCA has been researching our swimming pool surface life expectancy. We have started the grant inquiry process with the Iowa Rural Cultural  Affairs Infrastructure grant funding that has been developed for rural YMCA’s such as the Montgomery County Family YMCA.

7.  To maintain the energy efficiency of the building and if possible find new ways and ideas for cost savings.

8.  The YMCA in 2016 has set the goal to have our entire YMCA facility using LED lighting , this includes the Carder Indoor Tennis Center, Jazzercise / Fitness center and the rest of the YMCA that has not already be converted to LED lighting.

9.  The YMCA has set a goal through grant funding to complete our last locker room conversion of plastic lockers installed into the YMCA’s special needs locker room. Also to have a new tile flooring for the main stairway to the indoor track and wellness areas on the 2nd floor of the YMCA. The YMCA also hopes through grant funding programming to secure enough funds for a new water heater that will be more cost efficient to operate.

10. Continue to install more finger guards around the Y’s facility on the doors at the Y that do not have finger guards on them at present. 



  1. Continue offering swimming lessons that teach our children how to swim and be safe around the water. 
  2. Continue to increase the number of lifeguards on staff.
  3. Offer 2-3 Lifeguarding Classes throughout the year.
    1. Continue the monthly trainings and in-services for the current Lifeguard staff keeping skills and professionalism at a top level.
    2. Increase enrollment and consistency with the Y’s winter youth swim team program.



    1.  Increase participation and offering of DAY CAMPS. Providing more structured and educational day camping programs.

    2.  Develop more programs for children of all ages.

    3.  Be a role model for the youth in the YMCA for behavior and giving back to the community.



    1.  To offer and run the YMCA’s annual campaign with the collaborative efforts with the collaborative efforts with the aid of the YMCA of USA Iowa Collaborative Annual Campaign and the Y USA nationwide campaign efforts. The 2016 campaign goal has been set at $58,000.This program is conducted annually to honor the YMCA’s long standing policy that no one is denied YMCA membership or program services due to financial limitations.

    2.  YMCA Endowment Program continues to grow its principal amount of $1.5 million dollars and obtain the safest rate of return interest for the YMCA’s investment earnings to assist the operational of the YMCA.

    3.  To continue to grow the YMCA’s “Our Future is in Your Hands” endowment principal fund presently at $600,000 which is restricted long term maintenance needs.

    4.  Continue to raise funding for the YMCA’s endowment “Our Future is in Your Hands” program that assists the YMCA’s long term maintenance needs of the YMCA.

    5.  The YMCA will host another Endowment Heritage Club Dinner in early October to celebrate the commitment of the YMCA’s donors and generosity to the YMCA’s long term success and future.

    6.  YMCA will work each day through the mission of the YMCA to balance our operating budget.

    7.  Secure grant funding and other support funds for various program operations.  Continue to assist in making Red Oak and Montgomery County a great place to live and work.

    8.  Continue to promote the YMCA’s “Gift of Grain” program to area landowners and production owners to create a win/win situation for the area farmer and at the same time the YMCA.

    9.  Continue to offer one of the finest benefit golf tournaments in the area to assist the YMCA’s Annual Campaign program “For a better us”.

    10. To offer another “sell out” of 300 squares for the YMCA’s annual Mystery Drop event that takes annually in October. These funds allow the YMCA to purchase new facility items that benefit our members, guest and staff as well as assist the YMCA’s endowment and operational needs.


    PERSONNEL – Staff/Volunteers

    1.  Continue staff development by providing training to grow professionally with emphasis on in house training. In 2016 more emphasis  with on line trainings related to “child abuse protection awareness “ and on going review of CPR/First Aid for all of our employees as well as their recertification process.

    2.  YMCA employees in 2016 will continue to be members of the YMCA as part of an employee benefit package.  Each employee will have the opportunity to enjoy the YMCA and stay fit and enjoy wellness opportunities at the YMCA, when not meeting the needs of our members and guests.

    3.  Continue Board and Committee development.  Recruit the best volunteers to work for the mission of the YMCA with the aid and leadership of the Board Development Committee.

    4.  Provide recognition for staff and volunteers.

    5.  Place emphasis on volunteer development with having more members involved with different roles of volunteering with the YMCA to help close the gap between facility members and having facility members become donor members as well as being volunteers.  This will create more volunteer leaders for the YMCA in various areas; youth sports, committees, Board of Director roles and strengthen our membership retention base.

    6.  To be the best staff possible in all areas of the YMCA for quality programming, customer service, safety, facility care, and connecting with as many of our members as possible.

    7.  The YMCA plans to continue the strong momentum of the “Togetherhood” program that is made up of a wide range of volunteers from the area to provide needed programs to make things better for the community that we live, work, learn and play in.

    8.  The YMCA in February of 2016 will be meeting with a dedicated group of volunteers that will focus on the results from the 2015 Community Needs Assessment survey results that were released in early December, 2015. This committee will help priorities the needs of the community and give direction on necessary and needed partnerships to address some of these exciting and yet challenging community needs.

    9.  The YMCA will be working with the YMCA of the USA from May – July 2016 for a three – five year strategic planning in the areas of (programming/major facility replacement cost/leadership success planning).

    The Montgomery County Family YMCA serves 2,702 members and 1,143 program participants of which 1,298 are under the age of 18. The YMCA has a staff of 40 and over 300 volunteers which served over 1,954 hours of work.

    The YMCA looks forward to continuing its partnerships with area organizations, schools and the health care field to assist with programs that benefit the entire community and service area.

    YMCA 2015 Board of Director President, Brian Mensen, expressed his deepest appreciation to all the dedicated staff, volunteers, members, donors and area residents who help make the Montgomery County Family YMCA the best it can be in meeting the social, physical, spiritual, and recreational needs of our members and guests.

    To learn more about the YMCA’s membership/program/volunteer opportunities, contact the YMCA at 712-623-2161, visit the YMCA at 101 E. Cherry St. in Red Oak or visit the YMCA’s website at www.mcymca.com.

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